Хлев topic simple machines. Методическая разработка занятия по английскому языку на тему "Машины и работа" (3 курс)

A simple machine is a mechanical device that consists of a minimum of moving parts but yet can create an improvement of the output over the input. The improvement could be creating a mechanical advantage or simply changing the direction of the output. Mechanical advantage is the increase of force, distance or speed from the input value.

Around the 16th century, the classic list of simple machines was determined. The list consisted of the lever, wheel and axle, pulley, inclined plane, wedge, and screw.

These simple machines can be broken into three classifications: lever simple machines, rotating simple machines, and inclined plane simple machines.

Questions you may have include:

  • What do lever simple machines do?
  • What do rotating simple machines do?
  • What do inclined plane simple machines do?

This lesson will answer those questions. Useful tool: Units Conversion

Lever simple machines

The lever simply consists of a rod or board that pivots on a fulcrum, creating a mechanical advantage or a change in direction.

The lever is a classic simple machine that achieves a mechanical advantage according to the ratio of the output or load arm of the lever divided by the input or effort arm.

The mechanical advantage of a lever can concern force, distance, or speed of the output.

The efficiency of the lever is very high, since the loss due to friction at the fulcrum is low.

Rotating simple machines

Rotating simple machines include rollers, wheel and axle, crank, and pulley.


The wheel or roller by itself can make it easier to move objects by overcoming friction.

Wheel and axle

When an axle is added to a wheel, a torque on the axle increases the speed of the outer surface of the wheel. Likewise, turning the wheel from its outer edge increases the force applied from the axle.


A crank is like a wheel and axle. You can push on the handle of a crank, and it will create a twisting force or torque on the axle. This is a variation of the wheel and axle.


A pulley is a wheel and axle, that uses a rope to lift objects. A major purpose of a pulley is to change the direction of the input force. You can pull down one a pulley rope, and the rope will lift the object upward.

Complex set of pulleys

A complex set up pulleys, such as a block-and-tackle configuration, can result in a mechanical advantage. The question is that if it is a complex set, is it still a simple machine? Probably not.

Inclined plane simple machines

Variations of an inclined plane include a ramp, wedge, and screw.


The inclined plane or ramp makes raising a weight to a given height easier, according to the angle of the incline. Unfortunately, the resistive force of friction from sliding the object on the ramp can negate the mechanical advantage.

Variations of the inclined plane are the wedge and screw.


Although a wedge is considered a simple machine, it is really a special application of an inclined plane.


The screw is really an inclined plane that is wrapped around a shaft. Turning the shaft around its central axis transforms rotational motion and torque into axial motion and force.

A screw can also act like a wedge, forcing itself into a softer material.


Simple machines usually exchange using a smaller force over a greater distance to move a heavy object over a short distance. The work required is the same, but the force required is less. The are also simple machines that help to reduce the resistance of friction or such.

Make it your mission to benefit your community

The wheel and axle , the inclined plane , the wedge , the , and the screw . Several of these simple machines are related to each other. But, each has a specific purpose in the world of doing work.

There are special tools for measuring the force necessary to move an object. These are known as force meters. They use a spring and a hook to determine how much pull is required to slide an object up an inclined plane. Really very simple to use.

Compound Machines

Simple machines can be combined together to form compound machines. Many of our everyday tools and the objects we use are really compound machine . Scissors are a good example. The edge of the blades are wedges. But the blades are combined with a lever to make the two blades come together to cut.

A lawnmower combines wedges (the blades) with a wheel and axle that spins the blades in a circle. But there is even more. The engine probably works in combination of several simple machines and the handle that you use to push the lawnmower around the yard is a form of a lever. So even something complicated can be broken down into the simplest of machines.

Take a look around you — can you figure out what simple machines make up a can opener, the hand cranked pencil sharpener, the ice dispenser in the refrigerator or the stapler? Just be careful, though. In our modern times, many things rely on electronics and light waves to function and are not made of simple machines. But even then, you may be surprised. The turntable in your microwave oven is a wheel and axle. The lid to the laptop is connected to the pad by a hinge or lever.

Simple machines may be simple — but they are simply everywhere.

A Word or Two About Rube

Rube Goldberg was a famous cartoonist who lived between 1883 and 1970. His life was spent creating art and sculptures, but his most famous work was for his "inventions." These inventions were a series of simple machines put together in a complex fashion to accomplish something very simple, but it took many steps to get there. Contests have been run for many years since Mr. Goldberg first created his unique ideas. In the contests people try to come up with new ways to turn on a light, or start a toaster using these combinations of the simple machines to wow judges and audiences for their unique way of doing these simple tasks.

Rube Goldberg machines are fun to watch and to build. Visit this site for some fun — see if you can identify each of the simple machines as they work together in this animation of a Rube Goldberg gadget designed to get this guy out of bed in the morning. Click .

For more information about Rube Goldberg"s life and his art, click .

How Simple Machines Work

What is a simple machine and how do they work? I"m so glad you asked! Machines make work easier by changing the size of force, direction of force, or distance the force acts on.

Lifting a car with a flat tire and loosening the lugnuts can be accomplished by a single person thanks to simple machines. The jack and lug wrench are simple machines that alter the force needed to change the tire.

Six Simple Machines

Simple machines are basic devices used to alter the force needed to accomplish a task. There are six types of simple machines.

  • lever
  • wheel and axle
  • inclined plane
  • wedge
  • screw
  • pulley

The first type of simple machine is the lever. A lever is a rigid bar that rotates on the fixed point of a fulcrum and changes the distance or size of a force.

There are three classes of levers. A first class lever has an input force and output force on either side of the fulcrum. This causes the output to move in the opposite direction of the the input force. An example of a first class lever is a see-saw. A second class lever has an output force between the input force and fulcrum. This changes the distance of the force. A wheelbarrow is a second class lever. The third class lever has the input force between the output and fulcrum. A broom is a third class lever.

Wheel and Axle

The wheel and axle make work easier by changing the distance the force acts on. A wheel and axle consists of two disks or

cylinders with different radiuses. Examples are a steering wheel and shaft, a car wheel and axle, and a screwdriver.

Inclined Plane

An inclined plane is a slanted surface on which a force can move an object to a different elevation. Why do gentler slopes and ramps require less energy to move a load on? Because the input force required to travel the greater distance of a slope is changed to the smaller distance of the output force – the upward motion.

A wedge is a device made of two back to back inclined planes and is used to split objects. When a wedge is driven into a log, the size of the input force at the wider top of the wedge is changed to greater output force at the narrower point forcing the wedge through the wood. Knife blades are an example of a wedge.

A screw is an inclined plane wrapped around a cylinder. Screws with threads closer together require

less force to turn because the length of the inclined plane is longer. Nuts and bolts are screws. A nut is a screw with the threads on the inside.

The last type of simple machine is the pulley. A pulley consists of a rope that fits into a groove in a wheel. A pulley makes work easier by changing the direction or direction and size of the force.

There are three types of pulleys . They are the fixed pulley, moveable pulley and pulley system.

The fixed pulley is a single fixed pulley and rope. This changes the output direction of the force, making it opposite of the input. When you pull down on a fixed pulley a weight is lifted up.

A moveable pulley is fixed to the object being moved instead of a fixed location. Moveable pulleys multiply the input force needed to lift a heavy object thus reducing the force needed to lift heavy objects. Moveable pulleys are used to move ship sails and window washer platforms.

Pulley systems combine fixed and moveable pulleys to create large mechanical advantages. A crane uses pulley systems to lift enormous loads like locomotives.


  • Michael Wysession, David Frank, Sophia Yancopoulos. Physical Science Concepts in Action. p.417 – 435. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 2004.

A lever is a simple machine that allows you to gain a mechanical advantage in moving an object or in applying a force to an object. It is considered a "pure" simple machine because friction is usually so small that it is not considered a factor to overcome, as in other simple machines.

A lever consists of a rigid bar or beam that is allowed to rotate or pivot about a fulcrum. An applied force is then used to move a load. There are three common types or classes of levers, depending on where the fulcrum and applied force is located.

The mechanical advantage is that you can move a heavy object using less force than the weight of the object, you can propel an object faster by applying a force at a slower speed, or you can move an object further than the distance you apply to the lever.

Questions you may have include:

  • What are the parts of a lever?
  • What are the three types or classes of levers?
  • What are the uses for a lever?

This lesson will answer those questions. Useful tool: Units Conversion

A typical lever consists of a solid board or rod that can pivot about a point or fulcrum . Since humans usually provide energy to levers, "effort" and "load" are often used instead of input and output.

An input force or effort is applied, resulting in moving or applying an output force to a load .

The distance from the applied force or effort force to the fulcrum is called the effort or input arm and the distance from the load to the fulcrum is called the load or output arm .

Since there is typically a very small amount of friction at the fulcrum, overcoming friction is not a factor in a lever as it might be in another simple machine like a ramp or wedge. Thus, we consider a lever a pure simple machine.

Lever configurations

There are three types or classes of levers, according to where the load and effort are located with respect to the fulcrum.

Class 1

A class 1 lever has the fulcrum placed between the effort and load. The movement of the load is in the opposite direction of the movement of the effort. This is the most typical lever configuration.

Class 2

A class 2 lever has the load between the effort and the fulcrum. In this type of lever, the movement of the load is in the same direction as that of the effort. Note that the length of the effort arm goes all the way to the fulcrum and is always greater than the length of the load arm in a class 2 lever.

Class 3

A class 3 lever has the effort between the load and the fulcrum. Both the effort and load are in the same direction. Because of the configuration, the fulcrum must prevent the lever beam from moving upward or downward. Often a bearing is used to allow the beam to pivot.

Note that the length of the load arm goes all the way to the fulcrum and is always greater than the length of the effort arm in a class 3 lever. The result is a force mechanical advantage less than 1.

Uses for a lever

The reason for a lever is that you can use it for a mechanical advantage in lifting heavy loads, moving things a greater distance or increasing the speed of an object.

Increase force

Increase distance moved

You can increase the applied force in order to lift heavier loads.

Increase speed

You can increase the speed that the load moves with Class 1 or Class 3 levers.


A lever is a simple machine that allows you to gain a mechanical advantage. It consists of a consists of a rigid bar or beam that is allowed to rotate or pivot about a fulcrum, along with an applied force and load. The three types or classes of levers, depend on where the fulcrum and applied force is located.

Uses for a lever are that you can move a heavy object using less force than the weight of the object, propel an object faster by applying a force at a slower speed, or move an object further than the distance you apply to the lever.

Leveraging gives you an advantage

A screwdriver is used to pry the lid off a can of paint. What type of lever is the screwdriver in this instance? 1st Class Lever 2nd Class Lever 3rd Class Lever It’s actually acting as an inclined plane. 10

12 3.0 8.3 25 75 10

29 1.7 3.5 28 350 10

Participant Scores 12 Jacob Joey Daniel David Nicole B.

A single pulley is used to hoist a safe with a mass of 45. 0 kg
A single pulley is used to hoist a safe with a mass of 45.0 kg. If the machine is 100% efficient, what effort force will be required to hoist the safe? 45.0 N 90.0 N 205 N 266 N 441 N 10

A snow shovel is an example of which type of lever? (Hint: The handle of the shovel is the fulcrum.) 1st Class 2nd Class 3rd Class 10

How long must an inclined plane be to push a 100 kg object to a height of 2.0 meters using a force of 200 N? Friction can be ignored. 2.0 m 9.8 m 50 m 100 m 200 m 400 m 10

A wheel and axle machine requires an effort force of 5.0 N to lift a load with a mass of 5.1 kg. If the machine is ideal and has a wheel radius of 12 cm, what is the radius of the axle? 1.0 cm 1.2 cm 5.0 cm 10 cm 1.2 m 2.4 m 10

Participant Scores 28 Jacob Joey Daniel David Mackenzie

20 N 25 N 196 N 245 N 1960 N Answer Now 10

What force will be required to push a 500 N box to a height of 2.50 meters on a ramp that is 10.0 meters long and 85% efficient? 4.00 N 50.0 N 106 125 N 147 N 10

1 2 3 4 5 10

0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 Answer Now 10

Participant Scores 44 Jacob Mackenzie 39 Nicole F. Joey Daniel

A ramp is 12 meters long and 3.0 meters high. It takes 145 N of force to push a 400 N crate up the ramp. Determine the efficiency of the ramp. .36 % .69 % 3.0 % 8.2 % 36 % 69 % 145 % 10

An object is placed 1. 75 meters from the fulcrum of a lever
An object is placed 1.75 meters from the fulcrum of a lever. The effort force is 0.50 meters from the fulcrum. What is the actual mechanical advantage if the lever is 95% efficient? .271 .286 .301 3.33 3.50 3.68 Answer Now 10

20% 31% 69% 80% 87% 96% Answer Now 10

Participant Scores 56 Jacob Mackenzie 51 Nicole F. Joey Daniel

A certain ramp is 10 meters long and is 50% efficient
A certain ramp is 10 meters long and is 50% efficient. It requires 25 N of force to push a 50 N crate up the ramp. How tall is the ramp? 1.0 m 2.0 m 2.5 m 3.5 m 4.0 m 5.0 m 22
Participant 1 Participant 2 Participant 3 Participant 4 Participant 5 Participant 6 Participant 7 Participant 8 Participant 9 Participant 10
